Congratulations! You made it to senior year!
Potentially Tough Question: Where are you going to go at the end of senior year?

If you’re not certain yet, now’s the time to think about it! If you’ve been thinking about it and not taking action, now is the time to take action!

If you’re caught in one of those uncomfortable circles, where you know you ought to be taking action to complete those college apps, but you’re certain what needs to be done first, and you really don’t have time because you need to get this homework done, now is the time you should call or email me!

Some of the main topics and services I offer Seniors:
  • Brainstorming potential universities and major interests
  • Developing reasonable, achievable goals from brainstorming
  • Planning and organizing applications & related materials
  • Essay brainstorming and proof-reading
  • Timeline mapping for Early Admission application and/or standard admission applications
  • Interview Practice for college admissions
In addition to college application preparation, I can also focus on obtaining financial aid. Some services for this include:
  • Identifying viable scholarships and grants based on students’ interests and background
  • planning and organizing scholarship/financial aid/grant materials
  • timeline of application due dates and elimination rounds
  • Assistance completing FAFSA
  • Essay Brainstorming and proofreading
Depending on what you want to accomplish with me, I organize a multi-week program/timeline that completes all tasks by the last application due-date. For most universities, this is January 1st for standard admission and November 1st for Early Admission.

In most cases, I work with students for one hour, once a week, for as many weeks as desired. I offer the first 30 minute meeting free, where we outline goals and limitations with both you and your parents present. During the week, I contact parents by phone or email to keep them updated and hear their concerns or questions. However, I am very flexible and can easily shift to meet your needs.

While we work with the timeline to meet your goals in a timely fashion, I’m also available for simply asking first-hand experience questions about colleges, or helping you contact resources for information. I’ve discovered that part of using your time effectively is walking in armed with as much information as possible. Many times, there are vast resources available to help you sort out what you want or achieve what you need, but if you don’t know where to look, they can be quite elusive! As a recent graduate, I’m familiar with hunting up those hidden resources, from talking with a student group to emailing a nearby alumni to navigating the official (and unofficial) websites.

If you are curious about how I can help you, or interested in scheduling an meeting, please give me a call or send me an email (! I look forward to hearing from you!
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So where DO you find all those other useful topics?